GP Brasilien

Brasilien in der Analyse: Verwarnungen und Geldstrafen nach dem Rennen

F1-Liveticker zum Nachlesen: +++ Verwarnungen und Geldstrafen nach dem Rennen +++ Verstappen schafft WM-Vorentscheidung +++ Doppelpodium für Alpine +++

23:58 Uhr


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23:52 Uhr

Verwarnung auch für Russell

Hier können wir es schnell machen: Der Brite, der neben Norris in der Startaufstellung stand, bekommt die gleiche Strafe. Also Verwarnung und Geldstrafe. Lawson kommt wie sein Teamkollege davon, weil er lediglich auf die anderen Autos vorne reagierte.

Damit sind alle Verhandlungen abgeschlossen.

23:49 Uhr

Verwarnung für Norris

Glück für Norris: Er kommt mit einer Verwarnung und einer 5.000-Euro-Strafe davon. Die Strafe gibt es, weil er ganz vorne stand und es somit (anders als bei Tsunoda) keine mildernden Umstände gibt. Auch hier das Urteil im Wortlaut:

"The FIA Formula One Race Director initiated the Aborted Start procedure indicating that the drivers should not leave the grid. This message was necessary as there was a car off track in Turn 4 (STR) that needed to be recovered."

"Although the signal was appropriately given the light panel illuminated as prescribed, and the teams notified by the messaging system, the driver left the grid and proceeded on a lap that he assumed to be an extra formation lap."

"As the driver was on the front row of the grid this triggered following drivers to take similar action. At some point the Race Director realizing that for practical reasons all cars would now need to do an extra formation lap gave an instruction to the teams for all cars to proceed and return to the grid to follow the correct aborted start procedure."

"In the opinion of the stewards the driver NOR precipitated the action of the drivers on the grid directly behind him."

23:47 Uhr

Freispruch für Tsunoda

Das erste Urteil ist da: Tsunoda wird freigesprochen, obwohl er laut den Rennkommissaren gegen die Regeln verstoßen hat. Denn eigentlich war das Losfahren noch nicht erlaubt.

Er kommt aber ohne Strafe davon, weil er nur auf die Autos vor sich reagiert habe. Das spricht dafür, dass diese dann eine Strafe bekommen werden. Hier erst einmal das Urteil im Wortlaut:

"The FIA Formula One Race Director initiated the Aborted Start procedure indicating that the drivers should not leave the grid. This message was necessary as there was a car off track in Turn 4 (STR) that needed to be recovered."

"Although the signal was appropriately given the light panel illuminated as prescribed, and the teams notified by the messaging system, the driver immediately ahead of TSU left the grid and proceeded on a lap. In reaction to this TSU also left the grid in breach of the regulations."

"At some point the Race Director realizing that for practical reasons all cars would now need to do an extra formation lap gave an instruction to the teams for all cars to proceed and return to the grid to follow the correct aborted start procedure."

"In the opinion of the Stewards although the driver breached the regulation this was influenced by the driver ahead of him and as such he was not predominately responsible for the breach. As such the stewards decide to take no further action having held the driver immediately ahead of him at fault."

23:43 Uhr

Noch offen ...

... sind damit lediglich die Urteile zum Startabbruch. Da droht Norris, Russell und den beiden Racing-Bulls-Piloten ja noch eine Strafe. Das könnte auf die Punkteränge theoretisch noch massive Auswirkungen haben.

23:29 Uhr

Verwarnung für Sainz

Das nächste Urteil: Sainz kommt mit einer Verwarnung davon. Hier ging es darum, dass er das Auto eigentlich nach seinem Unfall schon aufgegeben hatte, dann aber doch noch einmal losfahren wollte.

Da hatten die Sportwarte aber schon damit begonnen, das Auto abschleppen zu wollen. Das sei eine "potenziell gefährliche Situation" gewesen. Auch hier das Urteil im Wortlaut:

"The driver crashed on his own. The marshals were quickly on the scene to recover the car. The driver removed the steering wheel indicating to the marshals that he was abandoning the car."

"The team then informed the driver that they thought the car was safe to continue. The driver replaced the steering wheel while the marshals had started to feed the recovery loop through the roll hoop of the car."

"The driver admitted that he was not aware that the marshals had commenced the recovery procedure. The marshals recognizing that the driver was going to attempt to restart aborted the recovery attempt just as the driver drove the car away."

"The driver admitted that he did not know that the marshals had started the recovery procedure and accepted that removing the steering wheel was a clear indication of his intention to abandon the car."

"A potentially dangerous situation was created that was avoidable by the driver solely."

23:19 Uhr

Die anderen Entscheidungen ...

... dürften jetzt hoffentlich auch nicht mehr lange auf sich warten lassen. Denn in der Regel kommen diese immer recht schnell nacheinander. Und die Rennkommissare wollen ja auch irgendwann Feierabend machen.

23:16 Uhr

Geldstrafe für Mercedes

Das erste Urteil ist da: Mercedes muss 5.000 Euro Strafe pro Fahrer zahlen. Die Stewards erklären, dass es normalerweise eine sportliche Strafe gegeben hätte. Doch Mercedes retten hier die Umstände des abgebrochenen Starts.

Zudem hätte sich der angepasste Reifendruck innerhalb der "erlaubten Parameter" bewegt. Hier das Urteil im Wortlaut:

"After the race start was aborted the 10 minute notice was immediately given for the new start. Given the layout of the circuit and the access point to the grid from the pit lane the time period for the team to get to the grid was extended."

"The gate to access the grid was not immediately opened. The FIA accepted that given this short notice it was extremely difficult if not impossible for the teams to follow the procedure prescribed in the technical directive."

"The FIA Technical Delegate stipulated that the tyre pressures while having been adjusted by the team was within the allowed parameters."

"Given the unusual circumstances surrounding the compressed time table, aborted start, the grid access logistics and given the stipulation from the Technical Delegate that the tyre pressures were within the correct parameters, the Stewards determine that a fine for a breach of procedure is appropriate in this case."

"Normally a breach of this nature, within a competitive session would carry a sporting penalty but it is not appropriate in this case. However, this decision should not be considered as a precedent for any similar breach in the future as the circumstances are considered unique."

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